According to what Established in the General rules of data protection, we inform you that We will treat your personal data in order to:
Inform you about The products or services of our company, published on our website, as well as providing the service Or product of being hired contracted, and sending goods and services of your interest.
The data Staff will be retained, while maintaining the relationship between the is not requested to be abolished by the person concerned, or for 1 year From the last confirmation of interest, or for the time required to comply with legal obligations. The company will NOT make decisions Automated. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where There is a legal obligation and we will treat them based o[su consentimiento o ejecución de un contrato]n.
It also We inform you of the possibility of exercising the following rights on your data Personal: Right of access, rectification, deletion or forgetfulness, limitation, Of the opposition, portability and withdrawal of the consent provided, it may Send an email to:
In addition, the can be addressed to the Control authority in the area of protection Data to obtain additional information or to submit a relevant Claim.
Data Identification of the person responsible:
Limo Group Mallorca SLC/ Cala Montdragó 1107009 Palma de Mallorca ESB57830960
Limo Group Mallorca SLC Through this document, It collects its policy of collection and treatment of cookies, in compliance with the Pursuant to article 22.2 of law 34/2002 of 11 July of services Of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE).
What are cookies?
The Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit Are useful because Help our website remember your visit information, such as The chosen language. In addition, the purpose of cookies is to improve the Usability of our website, know your habits or navigation needs for To be able to adapt to them, as well as to obtain information for Statistical.
In The case of those users who are already a client of LimoMallorca, the information collected with the cookies will serve Also for your identification when accessing the different tools that Limo Group Mallorca SLC puts at your disposal For the management of the services.
The This Cookie policy will apply to those users who Voluntarily visit the web pages of Limo Group Mallorca SLC Complete data collection forms, access the Tools that Limo Group Mallorca SLCMakes available to your customers to To manage their services, or use any other service present in the Web site that involves the communication of data to Limo Group Mallorca SLC, or the access to data by Limo Group Mallorca SLC., for the provision of its services.
As User of our website we inform you of the existence of these cookies and We put at your disposal the present policy in order to inform you About the use and the object of the same. The fact of continuing the navigation Through its pages, it implies the knowledge and the acceptance of the present Policy.
Showpole S.L. Uses the following types of cookies:
Classified by their ownership:
* Own cookies: sent and managed directly by LIMO GROUP MALLORCA SLC
* Third party cookies: Sent and Managed by a third party outside Limo Group Mallorca SLC, anonymously, with the Purpose of carrying out statistical studies of navigation on Web pages De LIMO GROUP MALLORCA SLC.
Classified by its purpose:
* Technical and/or personalization cookies: facilitate Browsing, by identifying the session, allowing access to tools Restricted access, as well as setting the available options to size. They make it possible to provide the service previously requested by the user.
* Analysis and/or advertising cookies: Allow To know the number of visits received in the different sections of the Web pages, the habits and trends of its users and consequently can Improve the navigation and service offered by LIMO GROUP MALLORCA SLC. Fundamentally As well as manage the advertising spaces included in the The website visited by the user. Collects data anonymously with the Purpose of obtaining user navigation profiles.
Classified by Duration:
* Session cookies: Collect and They store the data while the user accesses the Web page.
* Persistent cookies: Collect and Store data in the user’s terminal for a period of time Variable depending on the purpose for which they have been used.
The Time to maintain cookies will depend on the type and It will always be the minimum necessary to fulfil its purpose.
You can Modify or withdraw your consent for the use of cookies in any Moment. Please note that if you reject cookies, you will be able to access the LIMO GROUP Web site Information S.l. Although the use of some services may be limited. In the case of not wanting to receive cookies, you can use the settings of the Web browser to accept, reject and delete them. You just have to Follow the instructions provided by your browser:
* Explorer:
* Chrome:
This website uses Google Analytics, which in turn uses a game of Cookies that help us understand how you interact with our website. These Cookies collect information and report with statistics on the use of the web without Identify the individual. You can learn more here.
In addition Showpole S.L., or the Service providers that Act In our name, use the cookies explained in point 1 of the Following forms:
• On our partners ‘ Web pages:
Limo Group Mallorca SLC Provides statistics on the Campaign performance to their customers. For this reason, we use cookies On our customers ‘ web pages, which can:
• Track the performance of the Display campaign: this It means you can know which users who have displayed the banners end up Making a purchase, and so analyze whether it makes sense or not to keep that banner To improve your sales. In fact, this cookie does not store any data unless it is The user to make a purchase. Simple, isn’t it? For this reason no We collect any data that identifies an individual. We’ll only know if the User has seen a banner or not.
• Track the performance of affiliates or Publishers. Affiliates or publishers are companies or individuals who direct traffic to Web pages of our clients. We use cookies to keep track The performance of each affiliate and know if they are actually sending Quality traffic or not. For this purpose, we do not collect any data that Identify the user.
Thank you for reading our cookie policy. If you have any questions about it, you can contact us through our contact form or writing to
Limo Group Mallorca SLC
Cala Montdragó 1107009 Palma de Mallorca ESB57830960