100% secure online payment

To protect your data:

  1. We do not store credit card numbers for payments. This personal data is sent directly to the banks we work with, without being able to access it.
  2. When transmitting data to the bank, we use encryption technology that allows all personal data requested in a transaction, such as name, address or credit card number, to be transmitted securely.

Card payment

For all payments made with bank cards, the amount of your order will be reserved on your card and the debit will be made automatically from your account at the time of validation of your order. At the moment we do not accept payments with prepaid cards or MasterCard virtual cards.


  • Cardholder's name
  • Card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code


The security code was specially created by banking institutions to guarantee the physical possession of the card. The visa and mastercard systems use a 3-digit code. The american express system uses a 4-digit code.

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Payment with PayPal

If you want to place your order without communicating your credit card number, you have the possibility to pay safely with the Paypal system.

Do you have a PayPal account?

During the payment process, you will be sent directly to the official Paypal platform.

Remember: Do not forget to credit your Paypal account before making the transaction or have your account connected to your bank account.

Don't have a Paypal account?

You have to open a Paypal account, it is totally free. Then for all your payments with Paypal, you will only have to enter your email address and your password on the Paypal site to validate your payment. It is a free solution, the transaction fee is not charged to the customer. You can open your account on https://www.paypal.es/

Request information

We are happy to assist you and inform you of all our services.

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